Online poker is a card game that can be played from anywhere in the world as long as you have an internet connection. The game is similar to live poker in that blinds are posted and the players receive two cards, then they place bets and the winner is determined by the ranking of their hand. There are many different ways to play online poker, and some require a special software client. Others can be played on mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets.
To start playing, you must first find a site that offers real money games. Once you’ve done that, download the client or app (if applicable). Then create an account. During this process, you will need to provide identification documents and agree to the site’s terms and conditions. You will also need to choose a screen name and password for your account. You can’t change these later, so make sure you pick one that fits your style of play.
Once you’ve created an account, look for a poker site that has plenty of player traffic. This will help you find a game quickly, especially outside of peak hours. Additionally, higher traffic means that tournaments have larger prize pools.