While US poker players can find a handful of legal sites, many are still unsure of the regulations governing the industry. Currently, six states have approved online poker and more are likely to follow suit. Regulatory bodies in places like New Jersey and Pennsylvania have already produced significant results. However, the number of states that have regulated online poker will continue to grow as more players opt to play in these locations. If you’re a new player looking for an opportunity to win big, here are some things to keep in mind before registering.
Before playing for real money, you should consider setting aside a small test bankroll and opening an internet bank account. Next, you should look for a reputable online poker room that offers free games and micro-limit games. Often, such sites will offer sign-up bonuses and free play to help players get started. Once you’ve found a good place to play, download the software and practice a few free games. Once you’re confident with your game, you can then deposit and play in the micro-limit games.
While legal online poker is available to players anywhere in the US, some states do not. However, there are some poker sites that accept players from any state. Those states with online poker legislation only allow players from within the state. Otherwise, you’re free to play anywhere in the United States. If you don’t want to risk your money in a foreign country, it’s best to sign up for a US poker site. It’s easy to make money from online poker – and you won’t even have to leave the country!